
8 Year Anniversary Letter to Our Clients

Our success and growth from a firm which handled about a few patent matters per year to our present size where we handle in excess of one hundred matters per year is due to a variety of factors. As I look back on things, I think the most significant factor is the people who have touched our firm; many only for a short while but with quite an impact and many to this day. I want to take this opportunity to thank a lot of those people and wax nostalgic a bit.

In the summer of 2001, a series of events occurred which presented the opportunity for me to leave my existing law firm and begin my own firm. The decision to leave was a difficult one because I enjoyed the people I worked with and the security that a firm provided and also because I had a grand total of a few hundred dollars in my savings account and 4 children under the age of ten. And, if that failed, I could always went back to the beginning on June 14, 1998 when my wife and I immigrated legally from Israel with four suitcases with little money in our pockets just landed in Columbus, Ohio. That settled it and we took the giant leap. There were several mentors in those early years that played a vital role in our survival; Aaron, Sharon, Alex, and Richard. Thanks. Without your help, we would surely not have survived. There were also several clients that contributed greatly and remain clients, friends, and confidants to this day; Jerry, William, Weimin, and Hui. Thanks for trusting us in those early days.

As the years progressed and we grew, certain clients, employees and friends made great contributions in shaping us into the firm we are now. Those special clients who have been with us seemingly forever and are truly our friends. Thanks. There are also those friends and colleagues that were there when things may have looked a little gloomy and they served to help us get through those days. A very special thanks to my wife. You have been there through most of it and we have survived …… to date. I would also like to thank my existing staff who is responsible for making this whole place run. Many of you continue to shape this firm and I look forward to your continued contributions. Thanks.

Thanks to people who I never met and helped me along the way. Today I just received Mrs. Panter, assistant to my beloved court of US district court for the Northern District of Illinois, informing me that I have been accepted as a mediator onto the Lanham Act List.

Dear Mr. Gao, 

Just a note to let you know you were accepted onto the Lanham Act list. 


Annette Panter 

Assistant to the Clerk of Court 

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois 

219 S. Dearborn Street 

Chicago, IL 60604  

See also

I would be remiss if I didn’t say a special thanks to my mom who always provided encouragement when dad passed away when I was ten. And to my kids, William, Marilyn, Shannon and Hannah, who literally spent many a night at the firm or home office sleeping on the floor and playing “quietly” while Dad worked. Thanks.

Today, as we enter our new day, we are excited about the prospect of continued growth. We are confident that we will continue to be shaped by our employees and our clients. We are also confident that the type of relationships we have, marked by trust, partnership, and true friendship will continue and that more long term relationships will be built.


Frank Gao